Struggling to get hold of your customers? Our Ai has fully compliant, human like conversations with your leads, 24 hours a day. Chat, qualify, and book on autopilot >>

We use a commercial grade GPT combined with SMS as this platform gets 97% read rate. Our Ai is highly knowledgeable, comparable to a senior staff member, and answers customer questions, qualifies and then books them in for a sales call with your team, for you to close on autopilot.

Why spend days paying staff to keep calling a lead that just isn’t picking up?

❌ You're harming your business if you let your leads go cold longer than 3 minutes.

❌ 63% of business goes to the first responder, don’t let a competitor find your would be client before you.

✅ We’ll get more sales from your leads, as we usually achieve significantly higher contact rates compared to dialling, and we’re able to talk 24/7 and can have 1000 conversations per minute.

Meet Sarah, she'll get you talking to more of your customers, and out perform your telesales dept see how:

Watch our quick explainer >>


Call answer rates are dwindling, and is only getting worse. In 2024, call answer rates average 58%, but what happens to the rest of those leads? Do you just mark them as an ominous non-contact, and let them go dead.


Our software consistently converts your non-contacts and or out of hours leads into qualified booked sales calls ready for your team to close, and you even have the option of a live call transfer hot-key service. Our bespoke software talks to your leads (24 hours a day) via SMS, but the secret sauce is we use a commercial grade GPT language model equivalent of natural ‘human like’ conversation, that has an IQ of 180 that’s built and professionally coded to behave and communicate like a senior staff member of your business.


Our Ai answers complex questions, reverses objections and qualifies your leads, as well as being consistently polite, and highly professional. We choose SMS as it gets 97% open rate, so we have the highest chance of getting your lead talking, and we often see leads talking with our Ai around the clock, as they're able to communicate whenever suits them.


How long do businesses take on average to contact a lead?

The shocking statistics are that 93% of businesses don't have a meaningful nurture system in place to handle their leads, and subsequently leaving potentially millions on the table each year


Responded within one hour


Took over 24 hours to respond


Responded within 1 to 24 hours


Of companies never responded at all

Our software easily Integrates With Leading Apps

The importance of speed to lead is profound, start handling leads within 20 seconds and your contact rate and sales will skyrocket, and we'll prove it.

Multiple studies have shown, that you're nearly 4 x times more likely to make a sale, if you respond to a lead (within 60 seconds) respond just one minute later, and it drops to 160%. Google it, it's real.

Our software is transforming businesses who can't work leads immediately, or when received out-of-hours. As we have the ability to talk to leads in a human-like way, qualify them and book appointments 24/7 using Ai.

Human staff just can't achieve this speed, or continuity through being too busy, unavailable, on holiday or asleep, our Ai can execute these tasks instantly and professionally, 24 hours a day, even when your business is closed.

Call answer rates average 58%, but what happens to the rest of those leads? Our software recovers up to 80% of your non-contacts, calculate what that could be worth to your business?


We can nurture your old leads or data into fresh qualified booked sales calls. Your historic data is a goldmine, even if they were marked as non-contacts, previously not interested, or leads that just didn’t go anywhere we can deploy our intelligent lead nurture system, combined with our smart dialler to convert your data into qualified booked calls. Our SMS nurture sequence is 12 times more effective than just sending an SMS yourself, and can handle thousands of conversations per minute.

So exactly how important is lead response time?

The key to maximising contact is to call your lead in the very first minute it was received. It may seem keen, but the multitude of statistics show the chance of making contact is exponentially increased if you reach out immediately. In addition this was comprehensively proven in a recent MIT study after analysing thousands of leads.

Also, according to Lead Connects "speed to lead" statistics, there is a 391% increase in sales conversions when inbound leads are contacted within the same minute they arrived.

Maximise Your Profitability

Increase sales without

spending more on marketing

Lead Solve's intelligent dialler will automatically call one of your available agents as soon as a lead comes in.

This allows your team to focus on getting sales instead of faffing with admin.

Nurture Your Customers On Auto-pilot

Improve conversion rates in our auto nurturing CRM

We can also build customised nurture flows which can be powered by AI.

This meaning our AI Assistant can send messages and respond to your customers & nurture them into leads, calls, appointments etc. This Includes SMS, webchat, emails, voicemails and even Facebook to convert more leads for you..

In 2024, it is virtually impossible to get the maximum return from your leads by using a manual contact strategy.

Business 2 Community revealed that companies that use marketing automation in their lead nurturing efforts had seen a 451% increase in qualified leads.

Nurtured leads tend to make 47% larger purchases than leads that aren’t nurtured.

It's easy to integrate; our lead handing system seamlessly integrates with your CRM, and uses a powerful combination of touch points, instant calling and connection to your sales team, 2 way SMS and email over the course of 2 to 3 weeks

Our system knows when to reach out at the best times. All this, when scheduled correctly can in many cases double your contact rate.

Case Study

We had the pleasure of working with a large life insurance client who was struggling to reach out to their leads at the right times through lack of a strategy and technology. They were previously using a manual strategy that was flawed and outdated, resulting in a contact rate of only 68%. The client was looking for a solution that could help them improve their outreach efforts and accelerate their sales and revenue.

Our team recommended our advanced Nurture+ software, which features an intelligent dialler and AI-powered SMS. The intelligent dialler automates the calling process, and knows the best times of the day/week to call dramatically improving results. The AI-powered SMS feature allowed the client to reach out to non-contacts with automated text messages to establish a good time to receive their quote.

After implementing our software, the client saw significant improvements within the first month, their contact rate increased by a whopping 20%, from 68% to 88%. This was a huge win for the client, who was able to reach more leads, close more deals and improve revenue significantly.

Our team was thrilled to see such a positive impact on the client's business. It's always rewarding to see our software make a difference and help businesses achieve their goals. We strongly believe that our advanced software can help businesses of all sizes improve their outreach efforts, accelerate their sales cycle, and ultimately drive revenue growth. So why wait? Let's take your business to the next level with our advanced software today!

About us

Lead Solve™ is a done for you software service (powered by ChatGPT) which handles your leads or enquiries autonomously, instantly, with human like interactions, via SMS and email, 24/7, skyrocketing your sales, contact rate, revenue and customer satisfaction, all while using less staff.

Contact us:

  • Lead Solve, Ryan House (Suite 8) 18 - 19 Aviation Way, SS2 6UN

  • 01594 808800

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